
Sütő Lajos és zenekara a mulatós zenei színtérben egyedülállóan kizárólag teljesen élő, hangszeres fellépéseket vállalnak. Esküvőkön és egyéb rendez- vényeken nagyrészt szólókkal tarkított saját szerzeményeiket játsszák néhány mindenki által ismert klasszikus mellett. Tagok Sütő Lajos “Sutyi” – szintetizátor Kácsor Győző “Bivaly” – szintetizátor Racsádi Gyula – gitár Forró Roland “Rolex” – basszus Hopfsperger Antal – dob Diszkográfia Lakodalom Dinnyésen (2006)
Strike! (2017)
The trio is from De Wallen district of Amsterdam. The genre of their music is melodic electro-pop. Guitarist Martien Sasbrink (Dodoles Umma X64) and multi-instrumentalist, co-producer Jelle Niesink (Oesghilda Rot-Thorppfen alias number9) met in the University of Maastricht, which they left soon after only to dive deep right into the vivid nightlife of Amsterdam. On the fall of 2016 Siske Bakker (DJ Tobi van Jjo) joined them. Hence they changed the band's name to "Toekomst", dutch for future, which refers to their innovative music. Members Tobi van Jjo – DJ, vocal Oesghilda Rot-Thorppfen alias number9 – drums, bass Dodoles Umma X64 – guitar, vocal Discography


The trio is from De Wallen district of Amsterdam. The genre of their music is melodic electro-pop. Guitarist Martien Sasbrink (Dodoles Umma X64) and multi- instrumentalist/co-producer Jelle Niesink (Oesghilda Rot-Thorppfen alias number9) met in the University of Maastricht, which they left soon after only to dive deep right into the vivid nightlife of Amsterdam. On the fall of 2016 Siske Bakker (DJ Tobi van Jjo) joined them. Hence they changed the band's name to "Toekomst", dutch for future, which refers to their innovative music. Members Tobi van Jjo – DJ, vocal Oesghilda Rot-Thorppfen alias number9 – drums, bass Dodoles Umma X64 – guitar, vocal Discography Strike! (2017)